Public Art

Public Art

Social Art Publications

Social Art Publications

Outdoor Arts Public Art Recent Projects Sánchez-Camus Projects Social Art Street Theatre Visual Art
Social Art Publications (SAP) is aan independent volunteer-led publishing house dedicated to developing a portfolio of publications to cultivate, expand and promote knowledge in and about social practice. SAP offers a reduced fee ISBN and media presence. The project was founded in 2019 and has a growing collection.
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Stars of Westgate – Gloucester

Stars of Westgate – Gloucester

Outdoor Arts Public Art Recent Projects Social Art Street Theatre Visual Art
A community takeover shaped by the stories, experiences and ideas of the people living in Westgate Street. This free street party event included live music, open mic, spoken word, history talks, exhibitions, reminiscing sessions and the unveiling of a large textile artwork with hundreds of stars designed by the local people.
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WTF Just Happened?! – touring project

WTF Just Happened?! – touring project

Outdoor Arts Public Art Recent Projects Social Art Text Visual Art
A social practice drawing project that toured the UK in a camper van during 2021. Hundreds of drawings were collected from people all over the country, creating a visual archive of the pandemic period and how it has changed our lives.
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From Birth till Death: Scrolled Life Stories – Horniman Museum

From Birth till Death: Scrolled Life Stories – Horniman Museum

End of Life Installation Art Painting Public Art Recent Projects Social Art Text Visual Art
An immersive installation of giant papyrus scrolls, created by members of St. Christopher’s Hospice, Arts Network, Three Cs, and an Asylum Seekers Hostel. The participants designed a series of symbols to represent their life stories from beginning to end, considering the legacy of their lives and how we retell our own personal mythology.
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Woolwich Speaks – Poet in the City Greenwich

Woolwich Speaks – Poet in the City Greenwich

Installation Art Outdoor Arts Public Art Recent Projects Social Art Text Visual Art Walks
A community-led project that celebrated the street life of Woolwich, exploring its past, present and future through public art. Local artists conducted life story interviews with people in the area to create a poetry trail and film that brought together themes of community pride, challenges and activism.
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Text Bender – Slough

Text Bender – Slough

Installation Art Social Art Text Visual Art
A text-based installation, created through a series of workshops with Slough residents. Participants were encouraged to share private ideas publicly and write words around social issues and shared community concerns. As a result, hundreds of creative writing pieces were developed and written on the walls of a former department store on the high street.
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The Print Shop: Rise Up! – Kelburn Castle Garden Party

The Print Shop: Rise Up! – Kelburn Castle Garden Party

Outdoor Arts Public Art Social Art Text
A touring DIY t-shirt printing space, where the public were invited to create a slogan t-shirt with regards to the climate emergency. Participants were able to turn their anxiety into direct action, articulating personal concerns that are mutually shared amongst the community.
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Body Offerings – Welcome Collection

Body Offerings – Welcome Collection

End of Life Installation Art Recent Projects Social Art Visual Art
A collaborative piece as part of the Misbehaving Bodies exhibition. Visitors explored and shared their experiences of health and disease though writing and drawing on custom-designed body parts.
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The Print Shop: Rise Up! –  Freedom Festival Hull

The Print Shop: Rise Up! – Freedom Festival Hull

Immersive Theatre Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Puppetry Social Art Street Theatre Text
A T-Shirt intervention project that looks at clothing as a medium for personal and political expression. The public were invited to create their own t-shirt slogans and also wear them, considering the discursive arena that comes with what we dress.
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Glimmer & The Goddess – St. Christopher’s Hospice

Glimmer & The Goddess – St. Christopher’s Hospice

End of Life Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Puppetry Social Art Street Theatre
A large-scale public performance piece, created with community members, hospice patients, bereaved families and primary school children. The storyline focused on a folk song about journeys to the unknown, with a collectively-made felt mantle and mask head being displayed.
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Kite Symphony – Newmarket

Kite Symphony – Newmarket

Outdoor Arts Public Art Social Art
An arts and sports collaborative project, where local artists and community members worked on designing, making and decorating large-scale fabric kites. These were then put into action at specialised flying workshops.
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Pegasus & The Circle of Life – London New Years Day Parade 

Pegasus & The Circle of Life – London New Years Day Parade 

Installation Art Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Puppetry Social Art Street Theatre Visual Art
An outdoor sculpture of the mythical Pegasus, that journeyed around central London with a band and costumed choir on board. The float was created and embellished in workshops with patients, families, carers and staff of St. Christopher’s Hospice.
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Seek Courage – Ashford

Seek Courage – Ashford

Installation Art Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Puppetry Social Art Social Circus Street Theatre Text Visual Art
A multiple-location social intervention work, looking at the theme of courage. Five site-specific pieces, including puppetry, aerialists, choir, skateboarding and sound installation, unfolded amongst a wandering public.
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For Reasons Unknown – Barking Library

For Reasons Unknown – Barking Library

Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Social Art Text
A workshop series where individuals without artistic training came weekly to explore text through creative writing, spoken word and performance. This culminated in a site-specific intervention that involved audience participation, the selection of books and group reading exercises.
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Heath Spark – Heath Park Housing Estate Dagenham

Heath Spark – Heath Park Housing Estate Dagenham

Outdoor Arts Performance Public Art Puppetry Social Art Street Theatre Text
An exhibition and outdoor performance that was brought together after a 6-month residency in the borough. Through parkour, free running, song, drumming and fire, the project investigated our attachment to place and our longing to escape.
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Designs in the Sky – Birmingham

Designs in the Sky – Birmingham

Installation Art Outdoor Arts Public Art Social Art Text Visual Art
A community arts project, aimed to inspire people from Witton to raise issues and express their thoughts about the neighbourhood. Over 200 local people took part in the co-design of street banners that represented the local area.
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